Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's Just Me, Claire

Yep, just me. Claire.

Some of you who find this blog know me from a previous site I had, and some who might come across this blog have no idea who I am ( un-lucky bugs, you!!!)

I guess it was just time. Time to break away from the old & in with the new.
I've been blogging for maybe 3-4 years ish now, it started as a family update blog, then I threw in some jokes & made a pretend product review & suddenly found myself in a world I never knew existed.
Review blogging.

Now let me clear this up, I love to tell people my opinions, and I love getting stuff, but when people are wanting you to write a 500 word "essay" because they sent you a 99 cent tub of Vaseline, well, my patience began to wear thin. This wasn't fun anymore, it was a job, and a crappy Vaseline paying job at that.

I felt pressure to be funny, which quite frankly ((hair flip)) I can be, but sometimes I'm just a mopey bitch.
(Insert best whiny voice here) If I wanna be mopey, I wanna be mopey!
Not to mention making a decision to stop drinking for over a year just to see if you can reeallly curbs your funny IQ.
I mean, really.

So I took my break. I attempted to start a bit but it just got to the point where I didn't fit my blog anymore. I was trying to make it work but my heart wasn't in it, and my time & petience & passion for it were gone.

So, I enjoyed my break, and I'm still ON break, I'm not giving myself deadlines, or quotas. I'll post what I want to post when I want to post it.

((shrug)) This is just going to be a get back to basics, be me, take it or leave it place for me.

Hopefully you enjoy, but if not well, that sucks I guess.


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